The Rowan Trust is an independent foundation fighting for social justice with communities who have been pushed to the margins

people closest to the struggle are closest to the solution

We passionately believe that barriers to a life of dignity, respect and justice should be removed.

We work to remove these societal barriers in partnership with community organisations who represent the most marginalised.

We believe that real and lasting solutions to inequality and oppression must come from within communities who experience it.

collective action works

We honour the long history of the social justice movement and all those involved and recognise the expertise of organisations who currently work for change. 

We add our resources and voice to theirs in our collective struggle to reach full equality.

change requires trust

We take a Trust Based Philanthropy approach by providing multi-year funding and reducing the administrative burden for our partners, freeing them up to effect change.

We fund organisations and social movements who make a difference to the lives of those facing great inequality by listening, learning, and then committing to our partners.

“The answer to difference is to respect it. Therein lies a most fundamental principle of peace: respect for diversity.”

— John Hume

Website designed by Farouk Alao in collaboration with DesignOpp